Thursday, April 17, 2014

Just got in from out of town and realized its Friday morning. I guess when you get over 40 something it's just another day. Then you start to think about your life up to this point good times bad time and regrets. I have to say, I have none! All the bad and good has made me who I am. I just want to thank god on this day for keeping me safe through all these years. Protecting me through 23 years of military service and conflicts, wars and even before that when I was just a bad kid always getting into something. He was always there to set me back straight through the kind words or a great mother and father. Keeping from true harms way. As you get older you appreciate what matters most on these annual B-days. It's not the gifts! But the gift of love and love ones. Family!! I am truly blessed today and all days to have love and support of my family!  I just had an overwhelming urge to pay tribute to God and my family on my B day!! Thank you

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